Holiday Ride Notes
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Tuesday 1 May. Flight back.

Weather in Spain today had turned cloudy and the same with most of Europe apart from northern France and the UK where it was clear blue skies, a reversal of the normal roles.

Ian loaded the bikes in a trailer and took Ernie, Nicola and myself to the Airport, about a 45 minute drive. There was some sort of temperature inversion effect round the mountains with a layer of clouds round the lower slopes and the snow-capped peaks rising above the clouds.

The plane left about 10 minutes early and arrived at Gatwick about 30 minutes early. As we flew over the channel coast we came over Pagham harbour with Butlins also clearly visible.

We shared a pre-ordered large taxi to to take us and bikes back home.


remote Posted by Edwin at 6:43 AM EDT

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